From Track House to the Cliffs of Insanity

This gallery contains 25 photos.

So. We’re headed to the mountains, to escape the track house rat race and perhaps live a simpler life. Or least a crazier one. This is one of our new cabins. I think this is the one built in 1949. … Continue reading

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Dear Adderall

Dear Adderall,

I love you.

And I know you love me, too.

We started out as acquaintances a few years ago. Your friend Ritalin introduced us, do you remember that? He was our gateway. You knew that he and I had dated a few times, but we just didn’t feel right. And you know about my blind date with Vivalan, and that crazy teenage bad-boy fling with Crystal Meth… But now that we’re together, my life is complete.

It’s the things you do to me – and for me – that prove your love and devotion:

  • You cross out my never-ending To-Do List.
  • You separate the plastic recycling by number.
  • You make dinner, from scratch, with only gluten-free, organic ingredients.
  • You’ve made QuickBooks fun!
  • You pull weeds, water and sweep – all before dawn.

It took us a little while to find our rhythm, our perfect dosage, but we were patient with each other and our reward is this tango, an intimate, holding-you-close, passionate, syncopated twirl covered in sequins and spandex under a disco ball light show.

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Mama Wazza Ath-O?

My husband and I both work from home. He works full-time, I work part-time and manage the family full time. This chaos inspired the question “should we send the kidlets to preschool or should we get an office?” Preschool won. The empty house allowed for more productive work, time to tidy up, and of course the occasional afternoon delight. Then, last Spring, he was invited to share an office with a co-worker. We accepted. I was suddenly Home Alone. My work was complete, the house was clean, baked goods were warm. I quickly got bored. Meanwhile, the 4-year old was suddenly refusing to nap at Preschool and would melt with violent consequences, documented in triplicate.

Coincidence? Nothing is a coincidence!

I took it as a Cosmic Sign to keep the kidlets at home with me! Had I been unconsciously preparing for this? I’ll just power through my work during their 2-hour nap. We’ll run errands together. Parks. The Pool. Playdates. Adventures. Crafts? Crafts! I can do this. Easy.

Right? Continue reading

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Call Me Anything

What’s in a Name?

When we got married, my husband never insisted I take his name. Instead, we decided that he would take mine. Totally awesome, right?!

So, feminism aside, I had become acutely aware of and intensely curious about the power of What We Are Called. And, what happens to our psyche when we are suddenly Called something else? Why do some people change their names (married or not, first or last) and some people don’t?

And those people who change their names to reflect a deeper connection to their spirituality, or because their husband’s family expects it, or because he really is a feminist – What happens to their sense of Self?

Meanwhile, some people had an obvious tendency to become what their name was, to fulfill some kind of synchronistic destiny. Their denotation fits these people exactly. For example, my aunt Karen is the nicest person in the world and Dick really is. Some other people have such bold names, they can’t be ignored: You’ve heard of Dr. Myopia or Dr. Ball? They’re both ophthalmologists.

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Crisis = Danger + Opportunity

This article was originally written in July 2014 following the accident in June 2014.

My mom was enjoying a romantic weekend away.
With her boyfriend.
On a motorcycle.

It did not end well.

Crisis = Danger + Opportunity
The Chinese character for Crisis is actually two characters side by side: Danger and Opportunity. Danger seems to be short-lived and easily identifiable: Danger, hot water! Danger, mind the gap! Danger, accident ahead! Meanwhile, Opportunity triggers the start of a much longer process, teeming with questions and decisions that can only unfold over time: Opportunity, go back to school! Opportunity, travel abroad! Opportunity, 6 months of rehab!

I’m really glad that the Danger is over so quickly.

I drove all Sunday night, 473 miles from bedside to bedside, and Monday morning finally saw her tied and tubed, monitored and clamped, medicated and tender.  Continue reading

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The IKEA of Nature

I live in the IKEA of Nature: totally imported, intricately designed, pleasing to the eye, all the pieces fitting together with a click. But don’t jiggle it around, don’t shift it, or it could crumble under the pressure, the structure falling away to reveal pieces of unidentifiable parts. So tread lightly, carefully, read your CCCCC&R’s, shop at your strip malls, wear your lululemon, use your coupons, watch your TV every night. We all know – deep, deep, deep inside, where the absence of our uniqueness leaves a gaping hole in our trapped hearts – we know that what’s on our TV is much more interesting than what’s in our own Reality. Have we lost what’s Real? Continue reading

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Life on the Yang Side

I’ve been thinking about Yin and Yang lately.

Yin is a slow, patient waltz; Yang is a fast, bouncing polka. Yin is an easy whispered beckoning; Yang a loud, demanding push. Yin can be a calm, sweet smile; Yang can be a wild, breathless anxiety. But they’re not glued in these extremities, everything slides along the Yin-Yang Spectrum. Also, they are not solitary nor independent, as they each need the other for their self-identity. For example, that slow, patient waltz can feel really Yang if you’d rather hang out at the bar. So, they are always in relationship to each other, they aren’t fixed in their expression, they each exist as a part of the whole… Sounds a little too much like a riddle. The Yin-Yang spectrum is Nebulous? Changing? Fascinating? Yesyesyes.

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Cray Cray Z

We are here in honeymoon

Other lovers swoon

Under this full moon

Fire light faces

Bright smiles


Here in foreign places

Not a trace

Of home

No kids no stress no strife

Just a happy husband

With his little wife

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Life Spwot

“Whatcha spwot?”

“Whatchaspwot?” What do I support? Huh. Good question. Is this political? Or is this about bras? I’ll think about it later.

She’s been sauntering up and down this crowded white-sand beach, back and forth and back and forth, selling $25 cigars to honeymooning men and foreign bankers here on convention. Her voice is very close now. Not roving, but directional. It’s a shift in surround sound, no longer a soundtrack in the background, but a pointed attack.

“Wat spwotchu play, ma-MA?”

A bit louder now. “Ya play socca, I betcha.”

I squint open my eyes. Who’s she talking to? Behind my sunglasses the sky is still so bright, so very bright. She stands above me, blocking out the sun, a two-dimensional silhouette, her halo is radiant and features undefined. But I know what she looks like. We all know what she looks like. She’s been pacing all morning singing her “Tiii-yme ta Git Smooook-an’” jiggle. She’s older than my mother, maybe 70-75? And twists her hips and knees along the fine, white sand like a 17-year-old dancer who’s missing her poodle skirt. She should’ve had a poodle skirt. Did they even do the poodle skirt craze in the Bahamas? She’da been there, for sure. She’s smaller than a size 0, if that’s even possible, and wears a long-sleeved dark brown shirt that matches her neck, face and hands so precisely, so perfectly that from far away she looks topless. We’ve all had to look twice – to make sure? To catch a glimpse? Her pants are men’s oversized beige Dickies with a tight brown belt. This might be the smallest pair of Dickies on the whole planet, and they’re still too big. Her hair is barber shop short and dyed blonde, unusual in New Providence with hair salons on every corner and miles of jet black wigs in every curl, sweep and wave.

Oh, she’s talking to me! Ops. I lean up, sit up, slowly, lazily, heavily. It’s 11:30am and I’m on champagne #6 – if you count that really big wine glass as just one. Which at this time, I am. Continue reading

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We need 4.5 baths!

This house is too big.

When I first met this house, my first thought was, “4.5 baths! Who’s going to clean 4.5 baths?”

My family who knows me, like really knows me, were concerned: “Gosh, we were really happy that you married well, but are ya gonna be HAPPY here?” It’s a soulless neighborhood, Stepford would be proud. Uniform, predictable, a neighbor-to-neighbor front yard wink and a nod that we get to live so… comfortably. But there’s nothing comfortable about loneliness. I don’t know those neighbors they don’t know me. We shut ourselves behind doors and windows that are close enough – if we were actually friends – to hold hands across property lines. Sure, we know each other’s names, but I think that it’s really in case of an emergency, like a breaking-and-entering, not like a broken heart.

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