I’m one of those moms.

I don’t understand how come I got kids. I don’t really feel like a “mom” (some days I actually flinch at the word) and most days I wonder where these little people came from, how they got here, and what they’re doing in my house.

And I have Cosmic support for this confusion, my astrological chart proves it.

“You have kids?” Pleasantly confused and a little bit dumbfounded, my astrologer peers into my chart. Her eyes dart around the symbols, chasing concentric circles, searching for a secret message to untangle.

“Yeah. There’s one right there.” I glanced at the 4-year old watching iTunes movie trailers on my iPhone. She is the only other person in the room.

“‘Cause there’s nothing in your chart about being a mom.” She looked again. “Huh.” And looked again. I let her look in silence. I am defenseless, empty. “You have the two girls?”

“And the 2-year old boy, so three.”

She laughed. A bit too loud. “Ok.” Then she nodded slowly.  “I guess you’re making it work.”

But I’m not. Continue reading

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The Adventures of Baby Lua; Or, How do I Open this Window, Mother?

At 39 weeks preggo, on a Monday evening in September, at approximately 10:30 pm – and right in the middle of our movie “Win Win” – the tank of water broke. Little Fishy was on her Way. Although already packed, Daddy Art immediately and adoringly and a little frantically packs another bag of last minute needs, like chocolate, the laptop, cell phone chargers, etc. Hey, it could be a really long labor, and “we were in the middle of our movie!”

Continue reading

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