The IKEA of Nature

I live in the IKEA of Nature: totally imported, intricately designed, pleasing to the eye, all the pieces fitting together with a click. But don’t jiggle it around, don’t shift it, or it could crumble under the pressure, the structure falling away to reveal pieces of unidentifiable parts. So tread lightly, carefully, read your CCCCC&R’s, shop at your strip malls, wear your lululemon, use your coupons, watch your TV every night. We all know – deep, deep, deep inside, where the absence of our uniqueness leaves a gaping hole in our trapped hearts – we know that what’s on our TV is much more interesting than what’s in our own Reality. Have we lost what’s Real?

Suburbia is an interesting wonderland. It’s obviously not the City: Those who have moved out here do not necessarily bring their thriving self-expression, their cultural identities, their deeply ingrained sense of individuality that’s welcome, aye required, for City life.

It’s obviously not the country: No cows, etc.

So, now all these people, having abandoned their Selves in the City, live together vanilla, devoid of real spice and flavor, and if we just happen to get a real bite of something tangy and spicy and bold and unique, it’s because we found it accidentally. Or, because someone else pointed it out and gave us directions. Thank you, Native!

Or, it’s because we finally re-connected with our Inner Truth.

What is Inner Truth?

  • Participation in Consciousness.
  • Humility.
  • Gratitude.
  • Suspension of Disbelief.
  • Equality.
  • Unity.
  • Participation in the Constant Stream of Blessings.
  • Application of what’s been learned.
  • Absence of the Ego.
  • Calling for Help.
  • Commonsense.
  • Creativity.
  • Awareness of Self.
  • Acknowledging Cosmic Responsibility.
  • Unconditional Love.

Once we have replaced ego, fear, hierarchy, doubt with humility, creativity and unity… Any action we take will be based on our Inner Truth. And, when we make decisions based on our Inner Truth, it doesn’t matter what we DO with our lives, as we will be in Cosmic Alignment and we will have the support of the entire Cosmos, Seen and Unseen, all of It. In other words, as we remove the deeply embedded, unconscious Shoulds and Have-tos and Expectations from our lives, Life can finally flow easy, easy, easy. And be Real.

I struggle everyday to maintain my Inner Truth among these surroundings and the Collective Ego. It’s too easy to hit the mall, get a pedicure, stop by Costco one. more. time. Instead I want to create, express, communicate. To go against the grain. Maybe go insane. For sure be a little mad. But anger at and about what’s happening outside of me is not participation in the Constant Stream of Blessings now, is it?

I don’t need to shake, rattle or roll the IKEA furniture to make it crumble all around me. All I can do is take care of my own self: I say NO NO NO to my Ego, NO NO NO to the Collective Unconscious, NO NO NO to what’s Expected; Instead, I say YES YES YES to Commonsense, YES YES YES to gratitude, YES YES YES to my own Consciousness.

I’d rather look up at the stars than watch them on TV.

How do you participate in your Constant Stream of Blessings?


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